He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。
It is a point underscored by the panel's chairwoman, Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren. 这也是国会监督小组主席、哈佛大学法学院教授伊丽莎白.沃伦强调的重点。
Perhaps our roles could be reversed and I could, in Harvard Law School style, do cold calls for the next hour or so. 然后我就可以像哈佛法学院的学生那样,在接下来的一个小时内不时地冷不防地提出问题。
He said he used those same student loans to pay for his own schooling at Columbia University and Harvard Law School. 他说以前在哥伦比亚大学和哈佛法学院,他也是凭借这些贷款完成学业的。
In the Journal of the American Medical Association, Glenn Cohen, a bioethics law professor at the Harvard Law School, wrote that the United States should repeal the rules about blood. 哈佛法学院生命伦理法教授格伦科恩在美国医学会杂志发表说,美国应该废止关于献血的规定。
Cruz went to Princeton and thence to Harvard Law School. 克鲁兹曾就读于普林斯顿大学,后来又上了哈佛大学法学院。
The writer is a professor at Harvard Law School and winner of the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in History 本文作者为哈佛法学院(Harvardlawschool)教授,2009年获普利策(PulitzerPrize)历史奖
Fred Fisher is a young man who went to the Harvard Law School and came into my firm and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. 非瑞德费希尔是一个年前人,在美国哈佛大学读书,然后来到我的公司,这个开始对我们来说看来是光明的前途。
But Elle is so determined to prove him wrong she decides to study hard and win a place at Harvard Law School. 但是艾莉决心要证明他男友是错误的,她决定努力学习并在哈佛大学法学院赢得了一席之地。
I graduated at the top of my class from Harvard Law School. I concentrated? in business law. 我从哈佛法学院毕业,是班上的第一名。我专攻商法。
She later dropped out of graduate school, went to Harvard Law School and is now a senior lawyer for a major environmental organization. 后来她离开了研究所,去了哈佛法学院,现在已经是一家大的环境组织的高级律师。
I have been teaching a class at Harvard Law School this winter semester called Venture Capital and the Technology Start-up with John Palfrey, the Executive Director of the Berkman Center. 在这个冬季学期我在哈佛大学同伯克曼中心的约翰帕尔弗里主管一起教授一门叫风险投资技术入门的课程。
His ambition carried over into academia where he graduated magnum Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. 他的雄心也体现在了学术方面,他以优等生的身份从哈佛大学法学院(harvardlawschool)毕业。
I don't think it is likely that they could get a free pass for what they done in the past week,'said John Palfrey, a professor at Harvard Law School. 哈佛法学院教授约翰·帕弗瑞说,我认为中国不可能放任谷歌做出像上周那样的行为。
This has been called "emotional capital" by the anthropologist William Ury at Harvard Law School. 哈佛法学院的人类学家威廉·尤里将这种现象称为“感情投资”。
She may also face opposition for an action she took while dean of Harvard Law School. 她可能还面临着一个动作,她的反对而哈佛大学法学院院长。
No.i'm going to Harvard Law school. 不,我是去哈佛法学院。
Before UBS, she was a partner at law firm Clifford Chance in Hong Kong, having practised in the US, UK and the Netherlands after graduating from Harvard Law School. 在加入瑞银之前,她是高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)香港合伙人。她毕业于哈佛法学院(Harvardlawschool),在美国、英国和荷兰当过执业律师。
When the video was shot, Obama was a32-year-old recent graduate of Harvard Law School, and had just moved to Chicago. 网友猜测奥巴马当时只有32岁,刚从哈佛法学院毕业,且刚搬到芝加哥。
This is an elegant solution if it were to hold, but I'm not convinced China will allow this to continue,'said John Palfrey, an Internet scholar at Harvard Law School. 哈佛法学院互联网问题学者帕尔弗里说,如果能够维持下去,那么这是一个体面的解决办法,但我相信中国不会允许这种情况继续下去。
Monday ( M) classes: Most of these classes will meet at Harvard Law School, although a few will meet at MIT. 周一(M):大部份课在哈佛法学院,少数在麻省理工学院。
Having graduated from Harvard Law School made it easy for Melissa to land a good job. 由于从哈佛法律学校毕业,梅丽莎容易找到一份好工作。
She graduated from Harvard Law School in1988 and was hired by the blue chip law firm Sidley& Austin in Chicago, where she specialized in marketing and intellectual property law. 1988年,她从哈佛大学法学院毕业,之后就职于芝加哥最好的盛德律师事务所,专攻市场法和知识产权法。
John Palfrey, a professor at Harvard Law School who studies the Internet, says Google's China situation has broader relevance for how other technology companies manage their overseas operations. 研究互联网问题的哈佛法学院教授帕弗瑞(JohnPalfrey)说谷歌在中国的境遇更加关系到其它科技公司如何管理它们的海外业务。